A blog for people looking to learn more about Art Therapy and how creativity can lead to self-discovery, balance and new ways of tackling old problems.
A blog for people looking to learn more about Art Therapy and how creativity can lead to self-discovery, balance and new ways of tackling old problems.
There are so many art products out there it can feel overwhelming and downright confusing to know what to get. One of my favorite things to do is try materials and find my new favorites. I look for things that are a good bang for your buck but also good quality.
When it comes to my work, both with clients and in my personal art making, I have rounded up my top 10 must haves and why I love them. You can easily find these on amazon, Michaels (use your coupons), and other craft stores as well.
1. Gelli Plate
I cannot stop raving about this ingenious little product! As a printmaking lover I enjoy using this to create mono-prints/single prints. I also find this to be a useful way of spreading, mixing, and applying color to a page. You can use it to make backgrounds, create patterns, and recreate textures just to name a few! Gelli also has quite a following so there are tons of instagram and youtube accounts that show you how to use it and develop all sorts of effects. This is a must for my art kit and I especially love the smaller one due to the ease of portability and price point. I am all about art on the go!
2. Watercolor Wheel
While there are tons of watercolor brands out there, again I choose this little watercolor set due to its portability and the quality of colors. You can do a lot with this little wheel. Price is also pretty great and it tends to last you a while too! As you develop your art practice and find yourself wanting to "try the good stuff" or having a little extra spending cash then you can always try the higher end watercolors.
3. Watercolor Pen
So if you like watercolor then you are definitely going to need one of these! If you're like me you want to be able to make art on the go or in stolen moments, and these watercolor pens can make that happen. Pair it with your favorite watercolors and a papertowel or paint rag and you are ready for making some playful pieces. Again, there are other brands you can experiment with but these work just fine and get the job done with no fuss.
4. Mixed Media Notebooks/paper
Ok let's talk paper. This is one material where you might wanna spent a little. I've tried going cheaper and I've tried the pricier stuff and honestly I love this notebook. I always end up back here because you can do just about anything on it. Like its name states it's "mixed media," meaning it can deal with pencil, pen, marker, watercolor, and collage. So this way you can go where ever your art takes you without needing to change notebooks or getting special paper for it!
5. Posca Paint Pens
These are paint pens so they can go over paint, watercolor, inks, and modge podge too. So this is a must if you feel you are a mixed media artist. So this is one of the other art materials where you might want to spend a little, but you can configure how you want to do this so it doesn't break the bank. You can purchase sets, like the one here, or you can buy them individually and get your favorite colors or the ones you are most drawn to. They also sell them in an array of points from fine to chisel. I love the 3m for details and the 8m for mark making.
6. Palette Knife/Plastic Cards
Every artist or creative needs a palette knife, or an old credit card will do the trick too. It helps you mix paint colors and create various textures in your paintings with both watercolor or paints. There are lots of brands and shapes and sizes you can try. I've shared a set here because when you are starting out I feel sometimes a set can be a good place to start and they are often pretty affordable. They last a while too so it's not something you have to purchase often.
7. Acrylic Paints
I am by no means a paint expert here. I just known what I've used and what feels easy to use, clean up, and manipulate. This apple barrel set makes getting started easy. Lots of premixed colors and these offer a quick dry time. This is extra helpful when you want to create layers and use other mediums too. I have also shared the classic crayola kids paint set because guess what? It's pretty awesome! I use this a lot with my kids and due to the lower price point there is less guilt playing with the paint, using different experimental methods of applying the paint, and mixing colors. Also added bonus of easy clean up and wash up if we get any on our clothes. That's always a win for me!
8. Art Crayons
These are a crowd favorite around the office with clients. They are a step up from the classic wax crayola crayons. They offer a super satisfying application experience. They offer big mark making moments! Over the years several styles and types of "slick" crayons have come out and go by different names like, slick crayons, art crayons, smooth crayons, creme sticks, and gel crayons. Some alternatives are also called "paint sticks" but those offer a different effect in regards to drying time and the shape and feel of the applicator.
9. Water Based Markers
Shopping for a good set of markers alone can be overwhelming! So many choices; alcohol based, water based, fine tip, chisel tip, felt markers, permanent, washable, double tip, scented or unscented. So I'm going to go simple here, let's stick to crayola super tips markers. Believe it or not these have a lot going for them! My favorite thing is that they are water based which means these can double as watercolors when you use a watercolor brush! These are a great material to have in your art bag which is easy to find, use, and affordable. The thing about it being affordable, again makes it feel less precious which means you will find yourself arguing with your inner critic about being self-indulgent. Also, if you're a mama like me chances are you have a set around and can share them!
10. Modge-Podge
So this is a material we all need at home. It makes collaging a breeze; simply apply a layer under your paper and then another layer over the top and boom! Done! No edges sticking up and no chance it will get unstuck. It dries on clear so no worries when applying. I prefer the matte but they have a variety of styles available to create different effects. If you rather, you can also make your own. Simply get a bottle of the classic white Elmer's glue and water and make the consistency a little more watered down than the classic glue and you got it. Comes in handy if you can't make it to your local craft store.
Start with a few and work on building your studio materials and discovering what makes the most sense for you. What makes you excited to make and create more? Above all what helps you feel aligned, relaxed, recharged, or refreshed?
Be safe and be well fellow Creatives! -Janette
Disclaimer*: Janette Macias is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Some links on this site are affiliate links that will pay me a small commission if you make a purchase. I only recommend products and services I have bought and tried myself and that I find value in, not for the sole purpose of earning a commission. You are under no obligation to purchase any book, product or service recommended on this site. I am not responsible for the quality or satisfaction of any purchase.
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Janette D. MaciasMy mission is to help my clients find balance in their lives, confidence in their abilities, and embrace the power of their creativity in order to find unique solutions to their struggles. CategoriesArchives
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