If You're in Crisis
If you are experiencing a life threatening emergency that requires a higher level of care please call 911. If you are experiencing a crisis and need to speak with someone about what is happening please utilize any of the following online or phone services below which are free of charge. *My online services are NOT appropriate for crisis situations and I can not provide emergency services.
These organizations are staffed with trained volunteers 24/7 and offer both in-person and email support.
Suicide hotline: 214-330-7722 www.suicidehotlines.com/texas.html
LifePath Systems: 1-877-422-5939 www.lifepathsystems.org
North Texas Behavioral Health Authority (NTBHA): 866-260-8000 www.ntbha.org/index.aspx
Suicide hotline: 214-330-7722 www.suicidehotlines.com/texas.html
LifePath Systems: 1-877-422-5939 www.lifepathsystems.org
North Texas Behavioral Health Authority (NTBHA): 866-260-8000 www.ntbha.org/index.aspx